
Ylläs-Levi Hiihto will be organised as a two-day event in spring 2025

Ylläs-Levi Hiihto has established itself as a popular spring event for all the cross-country skiers. Last April, more than 1 000 skiers skied from Ylläs to Levi in the classic style, half of them 70km and the other half 55km.

Next spring the competition will be a two-day event and registration is now open. Friday 4th of April is dedicated to classic technique and Saturday 5th April to skating. “There is demand for both techniques and in order to serve skiers better, a two-day event is an important development”, says Pilvi Mäenpuro, Event Manager at Visit Levi.

Ylläs-Levi Hiihto has grown fast since the first event in 2016

From now on Ylläs-Levi Hiihto will also be part of the Euroloppet marathon skiing series. The series includes high-quality skiing events from all over Europe, and in Finland the series already includes Jyväskylä Ski Marathon and Vuokatti Hiihto. The Euroloppet passport always gives a skier a reduced entry fee and other benefits. “With Euroloppet membership, we hope to gain more visibility and participants from Central Europe. The first race north of the Arctic Circle was warmly welcomed by the community”, says Marja Rauhalammi, Production Manager at Ylläs-Levi Hiihto. The Finnish Euroloppet ski races are in cooperation and the skiers skiing all three races will be rewarded with a free entry to the international race next winter and other prizes.

Ylläs-Levi Hiihto is organised in close cooperation between the local marketing companies Visit Ylläs and Visit Levi. Fischer continues  as the main partner of the event. Volunteers also play an important role in keeping the atmosphere alive throughout the events. Ylläs-Levi Hiihto is looking forward to welcoming all enthusiastic volunteers!

Further information:

Pilvi Mäenpuro, Visit Levi Event Manager, tel. +358 40 839 0314

Kati Vehmas, Visit Ylläs Managing Director, tel. +358 40 512 7203

Website of the event: https://yllaslevi.fi/en/

Euroloppet website https://www.euroloppet.com/en